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Nitrous Outlet

Universal Large Cone Style Filter Nitrous Discharge Ring

SKU: 00-41003

$68.99 USD
  • Fits In Air Filter
  • Dry Nitrous Application
  • Fills Intake Before Mass Air Sensor
  • Easily hidden

Hidden. This unit fits inside the intake box using a cone style air filter. The nitrous line can be connected through the intake track to keep the system as hidden as possible.

Dry. This unit is for use with a dry system that sprays nitrous directly into the air intake. Dry systems are easier to install and simpler than a wet nitrous system but more tuning is required to insure proper system and vehicle function.

Application. This spray ring fits large cone style air filters and can be adjusted to accommodate most any large style cone filter. The spray has a 6 inch diameter and provides a 360° spray pattern to got the entire intake runner track.